Daniel Lombraña González, Arduino, via flickr creative commons


I’m Software Carpentry certified for teaching digital skills, and am interested in framing computational knowledge within humanities context.

I recently taught “Web APIs with Python” at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (2019) with Stephen Zweibel, Patrick Smyth, and Jonathan Reeve.

I taught extensively as a Digital Fellow at the Graduate Center, CUNY, including inaugural versions of the Digital Research Institute, an NEH-funded program for digital skills development. At GC Digital Initiatives, GC Teaching and Learning Center, the GC Library at The Graduate Center, CUNY. Select workshops include physical computing, digital project management, GitHub and collaborative writing, TEI, mapping, WordPress, and the command line. I keep many tutorials on my GitHub.

Skills include: web development, WordPress, social media management, Unix Shell, HTML, CSS, Javascript, TEI Protocol, XML, Adobe Creative Suite, oXygen, ArcGIS, QGIS, NVivo, Zotero, LaTeX, Gephi, Git and GitHub, Markdown, Python, Django, Arduino, Physical Computing.


Graduate Student Award from NYCDH: “Digital Alchemy” (2016)

“Digital Alchemy: Historical Approaches to the Modern Makerspace.” Printable Pedagogy and 3D Theses. Modern Language Association, New York City. (January 2018)

“Digital Alchemy.” NYCDH Week 2017, New York City. Invited by NYC DH Committee. (January 2017)