My current research specializes in book history and postwar American literature, with emphasis on how poets in particular approach the task of creating their own libraries or manuscript collections. As a result of this work, I often consult on and perform recovery work on documenting poets’ libraries that are precarious, […]
Daily Archives: July 10, 2019
My work in libraries and special collections incorporates public service, archival processing, and bibliographic description, as well as special presentations and exhibition development. I also have experience in large-scale project management for identifying and assessing backlog, developing curricula around primary source literacy, and creating documentation for public service. My field […]
I’m Software Carpentry certified for teaching digital skills, and am interested in framing computational knowledge within humanities context. I recently taught “Web APIs with Python” at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (2019) with Stephen Zweibel, Patrick Smyth, and Jonathan Reeve. I taught extensively as a Digital Fellow at the Graduate Center, […]
My research has been funded by Lost & Found: The CUNY Poetics Document Initiative, and it has been an enormous influence on the way I approach primary source work. You can read about how Lost & Found influences my teaching in the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy, and volumes I’ve published […]
I’m a member of the Steering Committee of the Maud/Olson Library, a community-based repository in Gloucester, Massachusetts, affiliated with the Gloucester Writers Center. This Library consists of all the books that Charles Olson was thought to have ever read, collected by scholar and book collector Ralph Maud. The Library is […]
A significant part of my research involves assessing the way twentieth-century poets and artists engage premodern sources. I focused on medieval studies as an undergraduate and early graduate student, with capstone projects on the role of women in medieval North Atlantic burial ritual, didacticism and animal imagery in late medieval […]